Little Blue Stars

Little Blue Stars

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Spanish Water Dogs

I have to admit that I have become obsessed with Spanish Water Dogs. Bracken of course started the whole thing off, but while I thought that she was very cute and I loved her dearly, I never really believed that the SWD would replace the Border Collie in my heart as my dog of choice. Now that we have had her for eight months it has finally happened - "Spanish Water Dog Obsession". I find myself trawling the web to read more about them and cooing over the pictures of these gorgeous dogs at every available moment......... is there a cure? I sincerely hope so, otherwise you might just see me wandering around the village wearing a SWD embroidered sweatshirt with matching gilet :-)

Anyway our little pup is off tomorrow evening to take her Kennel Club Bronze Good Citizen Award. This of course means that she is going to have to listen to me for a full hour and that I am going to have to take a pocket stuffed with training treats to get her to pay attention. Chances of achieving the award are fair to middling I would say, obviously there is plenty of room for handler error and hopefully any amorous advances from Milo the Labradoodle won't freak her out too much. Wish me luck............

Now, in my search for cupcake cases I have found some very nice brightly coloured Swedish paper ones. I am going to try them out this week and will report back on quality, reliability etc later on. Here's hoping that they work well as I have 80 cakes to bake for an event and I don't want to have to do any repeats (Brian gets to eat any duff ones and his waistline could do without any extra help).

I'm off now to finish cooking tea for the boys and referee the fight over whose turn it is to lie down on the sofa.

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