Little Blue Stars

Little Blue Stars

Monday, 22 February 2010

It's snowing again!

Well I don't believe it, after two days of glorious sunshine, long walks and a very successful trip to Inkpen Farmers Market, I awoke this morning to see more snow. Now don't get me wrong I actually like the white stuff, but preferably not when I'm trying to do the school run or get to the shops for essentials like chocolate (talking of chocolate, the brownies were delicious). The trip to school was a bit hairy, I passed a car in a hedge and once I got there I met a mum and a teacher swapping stories of their sliding experiences - from now on I resolve to walk more often. Once safely home I started to think about the likelihood of a slightly unfit (but getting fitter) 38 year old being able to take part in the skeleton bob at the next Winter Olympics. Amy Williams is certainly inspiring, as is Shelley Rudman, but is it enough to simply be inspired - especially when I am scared of heights and too chicken to even get on a sledge :-)
Anyway the madness has now passed and I am back on to the serious stuff of researching cupcake cases. I though that I had it cracked, but sadly the lovely new ones that I bought have been pulling away from the cupcakes and it is not a good look. There is a possibility of a humidity problem as the kitchen was pretty warm and steamy on Saturday evening, or maybe I put them in the air-tight containers too soon. Whatever it is I need to get it sorted and quickly, even though the cakes are delicious they need to look good too. Sadly I think I'll have to get baking again to experiment with them - does anyone want some cakes?

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